On Page Seo Optimization 2018

On Page SEO Optimization: The Perfect Comprehensive Guide for 2018

On Page SEO optimization

You may have read it many times that doing the SEO right is really important. On page SEO optimization is the first thing to start with.

In the past couple of years, due to Google algorithms, many websites have gone down. Many have used the black hat SEO techniques.

But you have to grow, you should have the deep understanding of the SEO. There are tons of guides letting you know about adding the keywords and using the interlinks.

But not all of them has the examples given. In this article, you’re going to have a complete structural guide from every On page SEO optimization technique.

Do you even check the SEO score of your blog posts before publishing? What’s the SEO plugin you use? Every user asks the similar questions.

You’re going to get the answers today.

All the On Page SEO Optimization Techniques which can Help Your Score Better

Well, let’s start.

#1. Use the Keyword in the Starting of your Title

You should understand that using the right keyword is important but the most important thing is to use it in the right place.

People keep writing that you should do the keyword research. But it’s of no use if you don’t know its place.

Always try to place it in the starting of the title. Just like this article “On Page SEO”. It will help you get more SERPs.

#2. Always optimize the Title

By default, the CMS like WordPress adds the “H1” tag to the title of the blog posts. But many themes are there which can override it.

For the better SEO, you should always have the “H1” tag for the title.

You should check if your current theme is SEO optimized or not. These are the things which differ everything. I am sure, you can inspect elements with your browser.

Yes, that’s right. It’s “H1” tag for the BloggingLove Theme. If your theme doesn’t have it, you should contact the theme developer to fix this.

#2. Always use the Keyword in the First 100 Words

Using the keywords is the one most tricky thing for many. Most of the content writers don’t have any idea about this.

You can check this article and the keyword used. It’s “On Page SEO” as discussed before and you can have an eye on it in the first paragraph.

SEO experts recommend adding the keyword in the first 100 words. I say you should try to use it in the first paragraph.

Be ahead of everyone else.

#3. Craft an SEO-friendly URL

Don’t use the boring and ugly URLs having dates, categories, etc. For an SEO-Friendly URL, you should just use the post name.

Have a look at all the posts of BloggingLove. Every post has the SEO-Friendly URL which is bringing the great results.

Many studies have shown that shorter URLs with better keyword targeting give better results.

#4. Use the Keyword in the URL

Yes, that’s correct. You should use the keyword in the URL to make your blog post more SEO friendly. In the past few years, people have proved its benefit.

Many famous websites like Moz, Backlinko etc are booming it for years.

Many people choose a keyword having tons of punctuations, which is not really good. Keep it precise.

#5. The Long Tail Keywords Always Rock

Whether you see any Google Algorithm change or people trying different On page SEO optimization techniques, this one never goes out of the fashion.

Keyword research is important but make sure you do it right. Targetting a wider area requires the use of the long tail keyword.

Let’s say people search for “most famous WordPress tips”. Well, if your keyword has all the words searched, you’re going to get the better response.

#6. Add Any Strong Word in the Title

You may have read it many times that you should add modifiers. More than 70% of the people decide whether they want to read the article or not just after having a glance at the title.

Add the words like “review, comprehensive, proven, 2018” to make it look more promising.

That will help you get the attention and the SEO will get increased. You should learn how to write a headline which can convert.

#7. Never Underestimate the Power of Engaging Visual Content

Everyone knows that creative work attracts. You should focus on creating your own images instead of just downloading from anywhere else.

Using the royalty free images is good but if you can do something better, just do it.

Adding the infographics or any video works the best. It will help to maintain the bounce rate of your website which will directly improve the SEO.

#8. Responsive Design is a Big Factor

In the current web design trend, it’s really important to have a responsive website. It should be accessible to everyone.

Millions of people are there who use mobile phones because of the today’s technology, most of the people have smartphones.

And every phone has a different screen size. Your website should be responsive to make them read easily.

You shouldn’t ignore this On page SEO optimization technique at any cost. You should also about maintaining the SEO ranking while redesigning.

#9. Wrap Your Sub-Headings in H2 Tag

Just like the title, you should also take care of the sub-headings of your article. People ask about optimizing the content for the SEO, well this is it.

You should maintain the structure using the different heading tags. You can go from H1 to H6 depending on the length of your article.

#10. Longer Posts are SEO Friendly

How can you deny the fact that longer articles have the better Google indexing power? If you do it right, you definitely get the positive results.

According to many studies, the posts longer than 1000 words give the better response.

You should make a habit to do it right. Stop being lazy and write more.

#11. Optimize the Images

This is a great point to discuss. you should always add the ALT TEXT for each of your images you add in the article.

It’s great if you use your keyword as the ALT TEXT. Not for all the images, because you wouldn’t like the keyword stuffing.

Maintain the ratio to keep your article SEO friendly.

#12. Improve the Page Loading Time of Your Website

This is the biggest challenge everyone is facing these days. People complain a lot about the page loading time.

According to Google, the website with the higher page loading time more than 3 seconds is avoided. And if you think from a user’s perspective, it’s obvious that no one would want to wait for a website to load for a longer period of time.

Can you wait for 5 seconds? I don’t think so. Boost your WordPress website speed as soon as possible.

#13. Never Forget to add Interlinks

To maintain the bounce rate and to improve the SEO, it’s always recommended to add at least 2-3 interlinks in every article.

Have a look at Wikipedia, there are lots of interlinks in every article which is boosting its SEO.

People need more resources and it’s great if you can send them to any of your website’s pages.

#14. Outbound Links Do help

According to the studies done by many SEO experts, adding the outbound links to any of the reputed websites always help in maintaining the SEO score.

You can give examples of the related websites like WPBeginner, Copyblogger, etc.

It’s up to the niche you’re writing about. If you’re running a tech website then add an outbound link to the websites like TechCrunch or similar.

#15. Add Social Media Buttons

People ignore adding the social sharing buttons. Well, you can’t totally rely on the direct traffic. Your content needs to be spread.

The people visit your blog should have a source to spread the content.

Provide the different platforms by adding the social sharing button plugin. There are many plugins which can help you choose the social media platform of your choice.

Practicing is what you all need. The only difference you can make is by doing everything right.

Asking something for the On page SEO optimization is not good. For a beginner, it’s fine but once you reach a certain level of branding, people expect you to know about these common things.

The above-mentioned On Page SEO Optimization Methods will Boost Your Website

The website growth is dependent on how you optimize your content. People claim to scale your website within a few days.

Well, you don’t need anyone if you learn how to use the On Page SEO optimization techniques. The above-mentioned methods are the keys.

Create the SEO-optimized content and spread the words about it. Well, in this blogosphere, writing isn’t enough, you have to do the promotion.

Never forget the 80/20 rule. Always remember the perfect use of keywords. I hope now you can easily do the On Page SEO optimization.

If you have any doubt, feel free to ask.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi, I wasn’t aware of #6, this post was very informative. Thank you. I’ve been working on most of it over the past few years and Yoast has really made it easier for me.

    I recently landed on some blogs that I hadn’t visited before and they had no social buttons to share the posts. I had to use my buffer app in Chrome and then go look for their handles. So that is an important one, if I hadn’t had the time I would have not shared the articles.

    I love the 80/20 rule in just about everything. It makes logical sense too ?

    Have a great day Ravi!

    1. Hey Lisa,

      There are many things which can be done. Using these On page SEO tips can help you grow. I know you have been doing it for years and it’s showing the charm.

      Many people forget about social sharing buttons. Maybe they have no idea about the power of social media.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  2. Hi Ravi,

    I love the way you laid it all out here! Like Lisa, I’ve been on some blogs that do not have social share buttons and have to use my Chrome extensions. Not a lot of people will go the extra step to do that – but I can’t wrap my head around why they haven’t added them – especially with so many bloggers talking about it.

    The one I’m still trying to improve is my page’s load time. It’s a lot better but there is definitely room for improvement.

    Thanks for sharing these great SEO tips Ravi! You know I’ll be sharing this one.

    Have a great day!


    1. Hey Cori,

      Many people are struggling with the page loading time. It’s kind of hard to manage it when you have hundreds of posts. Still, it’s the best thing to do for better SEO.

      Everyone likes a fast loading website. Don’t you?

      Glad you liked it.


  3. Hey Ravi!

    What a helpful post on SEO for 2018!

    You’ve really covered everything here.

    One thing that I have recently learned, is that Internal Linking plays a huge factor for your rankings.

    I did not know how important internal linking is until I got some tips from an SEO “Guru”.

    Also, Google themselves have admitted the fact that their algorythm gives internal linking a big importance for rankings.

    This means, you can now do a complete assesment on your internal linking and if you interlink your blog posts in a smart way, you can see a boost in ranking very fast!

    Just sharing something I recently learned on SEO ?

    Thank you for sharing this!

    Cheers! ?

  4. Hello Ravi,

    Excellent SEO tips you have share. Long tail keywords perform very well and it also cut down your competition. I am also using long tail keyword for my blog posts and it help me to rank better in search engine. I also want to share that long tail keywords also help you to increase conversion on your site if you are promoting something specific through your blog or website. Thanks again for these great insights.

    Happy Diwali ?


  5. Hello


    Very informative post you have written about On page Seo optimization. This effective technique will surely helps to get SEO score high and to boost website. The step by step method you have explained is really awesome and very easy to understand. I always read your blog post and always learn manything new.

    Thanks for sharing your technique with us. waiting for your next blog post.

    Best wishes,

    Praveen verma

  6. Hi Ravi,

    I have read on many websites that we have to use the keyword at the starting of our title.

    But in most of the cases, I have come across that if we do that the title does not seems good. : )

    Still, I try to use it as far as possible.

    Anyway, great stuff.

  7. Hi Ravi,

    This post is perfect timing as I am focusing more on optimizing my blog posts. To tell you the truth, I am pretty comfortable with SEO, but I am always looking to improve what I know.

    I’ve personally noticed that long-form content tends to do a lot better than my shorter blog posts. These are definitely great tips for anyone who wants more organic traffic from Google.

    It’s nice when Google starts noticing your hard work. I am definitely starting to see an increase in my organic traffic.

    Oh, quick question. If I go back through my older posts and update some of the anchor texts, will this affect my current traffic from Google?

    I am actually in the process of making some updates and changing some links. Just wanted to know if you knew how it would affect my traffic coming from Google or rankings.

    Thanks so much for sharing this, I’ll be sure to pass it along as I have no doubt it will help so many people.

    Have a great day ?


    1. Hey Susan,

      Updating your older posts always helps. You know that we all make mistakes while starting a blog but later on, it’s good to improve the content. Expect to change the permalink, you can do anything.

      It will help you score better in Google search results.

      Thanks for stopping by.


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